Your Company Blog Strategy

The Importance of Blogs

While you may not realize it yet, creating blogs frequently is particularly important for your business – it engages your audience, helps you connect with them, and boosts your SEO. While all businesses should engage in blogging, there are a few things to consider before you dive into the world of blogging.

Blog Strategy

In today’s age, it isn’t enough to simply have a blog. Don’t get me wrong, having a blog is a great start – but it’s a start.

In order to be successful and focused, your blog needs a blogging strategy. Your strategy will ensure that you produce high-quality content creation that can eventually build a reputation for your business. Your blog’s strategy should incorporate your purpose, audience, keywords, and promotional tactics.

Your Blog’s Purpose

Before you even begin creating your blogs, consider why does your blog exist? What is its purpose? Without a purpose, your blog can easily stray away from your strategy and seem lost to your audience. If you don’t even know what your blog’s purpose is, how is your audience supposed to know?

To conceptualize your blog’s purpose, you can begin by asking yourself some questions:

What is the greater purpose my company is trying to fulfill? What story supports this purpose? Who shares my passion for this purpose? Is my team aligned with the meaning of this purpose?

If you are able to clearly and concisely answer these questions, then you’ve built the beginning foundation for your future blogging decisions.

Your Blog’s Audience

Your audience is the reason why you post blogs in the first place. Without your audience, there would be no point to posting any of your blogs. Because your audience is such an important variable to your blogging equation, you need to do research on them and figure out their interests and how you can better engage them with your content.

Your blog should speak to your audience’s interests, needs, preferences, and pain points. When you understand your audience, you’re able to publish the right content for them – growing your readership faster.

In order to best connect with your audience, try imagining yourself with your reader and consider these questions:

What problems are they looking to solve? How can I show them that I understand what they’re struggling with? How can I incorporate this in a way that they’ll feel compelled to continue reading?

With a connected audience, they will be more compelled to share your content with their friends – bringing your business more awareness and readership.

Your Blog’s Keywords

Your blog should feature keywords that enrich the SEO process of your website. Keywords help search engines know what your blog is about and who they should send it to. As a blogger, you should select your keywords (or phrases) carefully as some will receive a few clicks while others will receive thousands of clicks a day (even though they cover the same topic and mean the same thing!) You should use the right keywords in your blog’s title, post, in and around links, and in image Alt-tags.

While placing keywords into your blogs is important, make sure you don’t keyword spam! You can include your keywords into the post as much as possible, but take caution not to over do it. The search engines – not to mention your reader – will not appreciate your keyword spamming efforts.

Your Blog’s Promotion

The method and strategy in which your blog is promoted plays an important role in its reception. While this should be no surprise, social media is one of the key platforms your business should partake in.

Another way, to promote your blog is to join blogging communities that are designed to help you get more traffic to your blog. These blogging communities introduce your content to new connections that are already interested in your blog’s topics.

So, your blogging strategy begins with your purpose, audience, keywords, and promotional tactics. With a solid strategy, your blogs should be ready to go.